Slow random_element method for codes

Issue #112 resolved
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

I noticed the following : with (not so) big codes, random_elements really slows down.

It's probably because of the implementations, which works exactly as the previous __contains__, namely it creates a subspace of the code's ambient space spanned by the rows of the code's generator matrix and calls random_element over this subspace. Timings follows. sub_vs_rand.png

Comments (11)

  1. David Lucas reporter

    Timings for a new implementation performing a random linear combination over all rows of the generator matrix (computation time of the generator matrix not considered in the timings)


  2. Johan Rosenkilde

    By "random linear combination", did you mean "vector-matrix multiplication"? That's exactly the implementation of the encoder, right? So there should be no time difference. If you meant that you literally do a loop over the rows of the generator matrix and sum with random coefficients, then, sure, this is going to be (a constant factor) slower than the vector-matrix multiplication.

    But implementing random_element using the encoder is a much nicer idea. This has the advantage that if the default encoder does not construct the generator matrix, this doesn't need to happen.

    One thing, though. Earlier, we were testing syndrome and caching the vector space in the background. For random_element we have the same possibility: cache the vector space in the background and call random_element on that (what's the speed of this?).

    Multiple uses of the cached vector space in the background strengthens the argument for doing it like this: instead of duplicating vector space functionality, AbstractLinearCode could call the existing functions whenever possible.

    I don't think we should immediately do this, but it is interesting to keep in mind.

  3. David Lucas reporter

    I was indeed doing a loop over the rows.

    I was considering the same idea about caching the vector space in the background. I ran the same computations as before, and here are the timings:


    It's way better than anything else I tested so far...

  4. David Lucas reporter

    I have a counter-argument though : caching the vector space helps if you want to perform a lot of computations. However, for big codes (I'm currently testing with n = 2^13, k = 2^12, over GF(2^13)) first call to the function to build the vector space is really, really slow ( > 2min)... I doubt one likes to have this kind of computation time if he wants to create only a few random elements. And consider that if you create a cyclic code from a code using probabilistic version of the algorithm to extract the generator polynomial, which performs calls to random_element(), the slowdown will be insane with large codes.

  5. Johan Rosenkilde

    Ok, so it seems to be the same issue as with syndrome: the vector space functions are indeed faster, but one of the reasons is that they compute the reduced row-echelon form of the generator matrix upon construction. This means certain functions can be slightly optimised (but most of the gain probably comes from being written in C), but construction takes a lot of time.

    I agree with you that it is unacceptable that the first call to random_element should be so expensive. So the vector-matrix product implementation (i.e. use Encoder) is best.

  6. Johan Rosenkilde

    Be careful with doing testing over only one field. Different fields are implemented differently. There are at least 4 distinct categories: GF(2), GF(2^n), GF(p) for p odd prime, and GF(p^n).

  7. Johan Rosenkilde

    Indeed, the difference is not persistent across field types. Binary extension fields are where RowSpace.random_element() performs the fastest compared to vector-matrix product, while for prime fields, it's the other way around! The dimension also plays a role. It was exactly the same thing with syndrome.

    Not using the Encoder framework or anything, I just quickly wrote the following code which compares the RowSpace.random_element() with a vector-matrix product. Play around with the R and the field to see the effect.

    import time
    def timeit(f, N=10):
        times = []
        for i in range(N):
            before = time.time()
            c = f()
            times.append(time.time() - before)
        return median(times)
    def vectorspace(M):
        V = M.row_space()
        def f():
            return V.random_element()
        return f
    def product(M):
        k = M.nrows()
        K = M.base_ring()
        def f():
            m = random_vector(K, k)
            return m*M
        return f
    def getmatrix(F,n,k):
        return random_matrix(F, k, k)
    F = GF(59,'a')
    R = .2
    times_vs, times_pr = [] , []
    for n in [ 2^i for i in range(3, 12) ]:
        print "Testing size ", n
        M = random_matrix(F, n, ceil(R*n))
        times_vs.append((n, timeit(vectorspace(M))))
        times_pr.append((n, timeit(product(M))))
    g = list_plot(times_vs, color='red')
    g+= list_plot(times_pr, color='blue')
  8. David Lucas reporter

    Thanks for the input, I did not think about these differences.

    I'll check the differences using your code, thanks for the implementation!

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