On life and death of deprecation warnings in Sage

Issue #142 new
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

I open this issue as a follow-up of trac #19315.

It will list all the deprecation warnings I added in the CT library, alongside with their "date of birth", so we can know when to kill them :

  • Generator matrix in linear_code.py, in #18099, in stable 6.6, 2015-4-14
  • Bounds import in all.py, in #19315, in stable 6.10, 2015-12-21
  • ReedSolomonCode in code_construction.py, in #18928, stable 6.10, 2015-12-21
  • row_reduced_form in matrix2.pyx, in #16896, in stable 7.0, 2016-01-19
  • HammingCode in hamming_code.py (deprecation warning in __init__), in stable 7.2, released 2016-05-15

Comments (4)

  1. Johan Rosenkilde

    Good idea. Be aware that "date of birth" should be the date of the first release in which they were shipped.

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