Manipulating dia (class diagram) file

Issue #15 resolved
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

The Class_diagram file in preliminary_work folder presents an UML-like overview of the project. It's a plain text XML file, which can be opened with Dia (see Issue #9 for details). By default, Dia saves files with .dia extension, which is a compressed version of XML. If you want to manipulate the diagram, open Class_diagram with Dia, do your modifications, save it, rename the enwly created Class_diagram.dia to Class_diagram.gz, unzip it (gunzip command) and commit.

Comments (2)

  1. David Lucas reporter

    Actually, I just noticed that when you open a Dia XML file (a file without the .dia extension written), the default save button saves the file without appending .dia So, if you just want to modify the provided file, you can open it, do your changes, save and commit immediately. The zip-unzip stuff mentioned above only concerns the new documents (these ones will come with .dia extension by default).

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