Rename parameters of codes from coding_test

Issue #18 resolved
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

I noticed that all the functions from coding_test (e.g. functions inside call directly code.n or code.k instead of using helper functions. Plus, n or k should be renamed properly, like _dimension or _length.

One question : do you think it's a good idea to create helper function for every parameter? For grs, it will mean 5 helper functions : space(), column_multipliers(), evaluation_points(), length() and dimension().

It's of course way more elegant, but also heavier.

Comments (3)

  1. Johan Rosenkilde
    1. The access methods, such as dimension() etc. surely needs to be there. Users will access them.
    2. Whether some method inside the GRS-class uses a private field _dimension, or calls self.dimension() is to some degree up to taste and our expectations of use, I guess. LinearCode is a base class for everything else, for instance, so we don't want to depend on private fields anywhere: if we did so, those functions would not work if we sub-classed LinearCode in a way that didn't have that field. For instance, it takes work to calculate the correct dimension of a Goppa code, so we don't want to set a field _dimension for Goppa codes. If the user calls dimension() or a function depending thereof, sure, we'll compute it.

      On the other hand, I can see the artificial-ness of writing some local code inside GRS code which calls self.length() instead of accessing self._length. Probably, we are never going to subclass GRS codes in a way where it wouldn't know its own length at construction time.

      I don't think it's much work to begin many methods of the GRS code class with n, k = self.length(), self.dimension(), and then be done with it. That's at least consistent.

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