Bitbucket front page

Issue #6 resolved
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

When the project will come public, the Bitbucket front page should content the following :

  • An overview of the project, including the main goals and a list of what is already in Sage
  • Some useful links for people who want to contribute, e.g. sage-coding-theory, sage trac tickets, sage documentation

Comments (2)

  1. Johan Rosenkilde

    Perhaps the main goals are headlines that one can click on to get more information, possibly simply by jumping further down the page where it is written. Here some more detailed information could be present.

    One could also present a short demonstration of some of the new features, using 10 lines of Sage interaction, e.g. create a Reed-Solomon code, extract the generator polynomial, run a decoding simulation and plot a waterfall plot.

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