Hide all code constructions behind codes.<tab> module?

Issue #69 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue

A little more than a year ago, Nathann Cohen and Punarbasu Purkayastha agreed to move all code constructions behind a module codes. This way, when one wants a Hamming code, one should write codes.HammingCode. Because of deprecation rules, just writing HammingCode still works, but that deprecation warning is allowed to be removed now (> 1 year old).

This was a decision taken by two people, on a module almost noone uses. Our dream is that more people will use Sage for coding theory, and in light of "the future" of our project, I think the debate can be opened again.

Clearly, consistency is most important, so the code classes we introduce should likewise hide behind codes. or, alternatively, no code constructions should. Or third possibility: all code constructions are represented either way.

I guess this should be taken on sage-coding-theory.

Comments (4)

  1. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    Probably the First Post on sage-coding-theory should mention this since the currently added code constructions violate the current consistency.

  2. David Lucas repo owner

    I let this one open as a reminder, but I already started this (see #18928, GRS is hidden behind codes.<tab>)

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