Deprecate old ReedSolomon construction

Issue #71 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue

The previous ReedSolomon construction should be flagged with a deprecation warning and changed to call and return a GeneralizedReedSolomonCode.

Comments (3)

  1. David Lucas repo owner

    A ticket number is needed as a parameter to call the deprecation functions. The code does not check if the ticket number exists or not, but I guess it will be cleaner to not put some unassigned ticket number (like 99999)... See deprecation and deprecated_function_alias methods in sage.misc.superseded

  2. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    I set the milestone for this Issue to "Cleanup LinearCode" to indicate that it was something we worry about after first milestone.

    I agree with you: this issue can be resolved when a ticket is made on trac for actually putting your GRS construction into it.

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