overwriting GeneralizedReedSolomonCode functions known from the book

Issue #84 open
Daniel Augot created an issue
  • covering_radius should return the value n-k
  • dual_code should construct a GeneralizedReedSolomonCode
  • weight_distribution, C.weight_enumerator are known (MDS codes)
  • spectrum

Comments (15)

  1. David Lucas repo owner

    Changed to critical, as it's something that should be added to #18928. Dual code already done by the way.

  2. Johan Rosenkilde

    If one or more properties are tricky to implement for general RS codes, I suggest not postponing #18928 because of them, but rather make a new ticket later on.

  3. David Lucas repo owner

    I'm currently investigating this (and browsing through linear code at the same time). I'll add to #18928 the ones that seem rather easy to implement.

  4. David Lucas repo owner

    Added all requested methods in #18928 (except spectrum, as it seems to be the same thing than the weight distribution)

  5. David Lucas repo owner

    No we don't. Can you open one please? As I don't really know what's special with GRS codes' automorhpism group...

  6. Johan Rosenkilde

    Me neither. But Daniel mentioned that it was fully known. I don't have a reference though.

  7. Johan Rosenkilde

    There's some recent work on the number of GRS codes though :-) That could be implemented as static methods on the GRS code class. I don't know how important it is, though...

  8. Daniel Augot reporter

    Well in some cases it is known : for instance you have cyclic Reed-Solomon codes.

    In general, with poor lambda's, no chance to get a non trivial automorphism group.


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  9. Johan Rosenkilde

    Yes, ok, it doesn't look so easy. We might consider handling the cyclic case but otherwise we should just let it be then...

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