Centroid calculation is incorrect.

Issue #2 resolved
Andrew Nelson created an issue
import numpy as np
from peakutils import centroid

y = np.ones(10.)
x = np.arange(10.)
c = centroid(x, y)
assert(c == 4.5)

y = np.ones(3.)
x = np.array([0., 1., 9.])
c = centroid(x, y)
assert(c == 4.5)

A better calculation is:

def centroid(y, x=None, dx=1.):
    '''Computes the centroid for the specified data.

    y : array_like
        Array whose centroid is to be calculated.
    x : array_like, optional
        The points at which y is sampled.
    (centroid, sd)
        Centroid and standard deviation of the data.
    yt = np.array(y)

    if x is None:
        x = np.arange(yt.size, dtype='float') * dx

    normaliser = simps(yt, x)
    centroid = simps(x * yt, x) / normaliser
    var = simps((x - centroid)**2 * yt, x) / normaliser
    return centroid, np.sqrt(var)

Comments (1)

  1. Lucas Hermann Negri repo owner

    Thanks. I've added your implementation as centroid2. The original one is not incorrect, but its formulation indeed does not work for your test data.

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