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Lucee / Cookbook ApplicationContext Set Mapping

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Set a regular Mapping

Lucee allows to set directory mappings in your Application.cfc, this mappings are only valid for the current request.

// Application.cfc
component {
We define the mappings as a struct, where the key of the struct is the virtual path.

Now you can simply use that mapping in your code

   <cfinclude template="/shop/whatever.cfm"> <!--- load a template from the "shop" mapping --->
   <cfset cfc=new shop.Whatever()><!--- load a CFC from the "shop" mapping (see also "this.componentpaths" for handling components)  --->

Component and Custom Tag Mappings

The previous example only has shown how to do a regular mapping, but Lucee is providing 3 types of mappings, regular component and custom tag mappings.

// Application.cfc
component {
   this.componentpaths=[getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())&"testbox"];// mapping testbox components
   this.customtagpaths=[getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())&"helper"];// mapping a collection of helper custom tags

In difference to "this.mappings", " this.componentpaths" and "this.customtagpaths" are taking arrays as input and not structs, because in that case there is not "virtual path" that needs to be defined.


In the previous example we have simply set a path, like you can see in the admin a mapping can contain more data than only a physical path, of course you can use this settings also with a mapping done in the Application.cfc

// Application.cfc
component {
In that case we not only define a physical path, we also define a Lucee archive (.lar). "primary" defines where Lucee is checking first for a resource, let's say you have the following code
   <cfinclude template="/shop/whatever.cfm">
In that case Lucee first checks in the archive for "whatever.cfm" , if not found there, it looks inside the physical path.

Of course this can be done for all mapping types

// Application.cfc
component {
   this.componentpaths=[{archive:getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())&"testbox.lar"}];// loading testbox from a archive
   this.customtagpaths=[{archive:getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())&"helper.lar"}];// a collection of helper custom tags

