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Issue #182 resolved
Alex Lulin repo owner created an issue

[citation needed] - это что?

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Comments (9)

  1. Alex Lulin reporter

    Ссылка вот - http://18delphi.blogspot.ru/2015/02/containers-10-about-patterns-and-mixins.html

    Там вот странный текст:

    Let’s look at the definition: In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that contains a combination of methods from other classes. How such a combination is done depends on the language, but it is not by inheritance.[citation needed] If a combination contains all methods of combined classes, it is equivalent tomultiple inheritance. Mixins encourage code reuse and can be used to avoid the inheritance ambiguity that multiple inheritance can cause [1] (the "diamond problem"), or to work around lack of support for multiple inheritance in a language. A mixin can also be viewed as an interface with implemented methods. When a class includes a mixin, the class implements the interface and includes, rather than inherits, all the mixin's attributes (fields, properties) and methods. They become part of the class during compilation.[citation needed] A mixin can defer definition and binding of methods untilruntime,[citation needed] though attributes and instantiation parameters are still defined at compile time. This differs from the most widely used approach (which originated in the programming language Simula) of defining all attributes, methods and initialization at compile time.

  2. Nataliia Bondarenko

    Это определение просто скопировано из википедии.

  3. Alex Lulin reporter

    Вопрос в оформлении цитаты. Я же написал. Ну откройте статью. И посмотрите. [citation needed] - это мусор какой-то.

    А переводить ничего не надо. Просто мусор убрать. И оформление поправить.

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