Changing the tooltip overwrites the web link

Issue #8 new
Balint Zsolt created an issue

Dear support,

When changing the tooltip on an already existing weblink link will remove the link and overwrite it with something like http://#?tooltip=new_tooltip_text . Step to reproduce: Create a link in a page and add tooltip and save and publish the page.The tooltip shows up correctly. (tooltipLink_1.png) In edit mode click on the link and click "Edit" and change the tooltip without going to the weblink tab and click save. (tooltipLink_2.png) If you click the link again the "Go to Link" is greyed out and when clicking on Edit and the weblink tab the link looks like something this: http://#?tooltip=tooltiptext changed (tooltipLink_3.png

We are using Tooltips version 1.4.5 and Confluence 7.4.4.

Could you please fix this?

Thank you

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