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api25 / institutions_code



institutions/code returns the details for the single institution specified by the code. The default is the internal M25 code. It is also possible to use Copac contributor codes or Marc ISIL codes by specifying the code type as an extra parameter. Note that not all institutions have either.

Example: institutions/brm

Institutional details for the British Museum Library. brm is the M25 code.

Example: institutions/uklobm?code=isil

Institutional details for the British Museum Library. uklobm is the ISIL code.


Creates a new institution with this M25 Code if none exists (the other code types are not accepted as identifiers for PUT), otherwise updates the existing institution with this code.


Deletes the institution with this M25 Code (the other code types are not accepted as identifiers for DELETE). Deletions of a institution do not automatically cascade to other tables which use the institution code (eg the libraries which belong to the institution) as this would disble operations like moving libraries of a closed institution to another institution; if this is what is wanted, the other table entries will need to be deleted explicitly. However, the instition being deleted is automatically removed form mappings to access schemes.
