Slow Charging in Coolpad Note3Lite on latest built

Issue #113 new
Prajot Baloliya created an issue

On my Device in other ROMS it usually takes only 1h 50m to full charge but in this built of MADOS, i.e. 2.1.2 it takes toouch time I kept it to charge on 5:39 PM with 38% battery left and i checked it at 7:31 PM almost after 2 hours but it just charged 86% and my cell was switched off then too... Is there any way to fix it? Many users facing this issue and this is only in Note3Lite.

*Yes i clean flashed the ROM * This issue occurs in this ROM only in other ROMs it was fine and it was from the beginning (from last night when i flashed this ROM * Last ROM was DOTOS v1.2 Android 7.1.2

And as in this attachment you can see that my device is 87% charged and it shows 1h 32m to get fully charged. Thanks in advance

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