Lots of issues

Issue #188 new
Former user created an issue

Thank you for this . After a lot of difficulty I could flash it. A lot of things got better. Playback issue are fixed , recording problem with 3rd party apps like Snapchat and Instagram were patched , problems with Bluetooth too. Though I encountered 2 problems 1.) Snapchat and filters don't work , after applying a filter , the image on the screen gets frozen and 2 pics show up simultaneously instead of live camera 2.) After flashing latest open gapps (8.1 arm64) I setup the phone added Google account and put apps on install. The first 2 got installed and then apps went into download pending. I contacted Google support and troubleshooted , none worked. Then I read somewhere to remove all Google accounts , add them again and then restart phone which did work . 3.) Flash doesn't work properly . Whenever I switch on flash. It flashes for some seconds and then flash switches off while the flash icon still shows its on. 4.) Take up a hell Lotta battery. Even for the simplest things. It drains so much of battery. 5.) Sometimes after switching on the phone . Fingerprint sensor doesn't work even after using the pattern for a few times. We have to enter the pattern when phone switches on , I do that . But the next time it should have the fingerprint option, which a lot of times it doesn't. And I have to restart my phone 6.) Video recording doesn't work in the stock camera app. Whenever I try to record something the camera app instantly crashes.

Final words :- ROM got a lot lot better , smoother now. Boot animation got better too . Issues were fixed. Stupid browser was removed , I can screen record now right the inbuilt stock feature (earlier 3rd party apps also didn't work) . Fingerprint works faster. ROM is good but just the filter issues - Vaibhav A

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