Camera photos not syncing to OneDrive (file storage issue?) /Jiayu S3

Issue #22 new
ase69s created an issue

Android Oreo 8 Release 1 First reported by chrisarchon 19/11/2017, 03:11 PM

Seems the storage media refresh event is not getting triggered when taking photos....

User reports "I had an issue with my camera photos not syncing to onedrive. I thought that something was wrong with onedrive but today I noticed that file sizes are 0.00 B. If I reboot the phone it shows the right file sizes and onedrive syncs them. Also using ES-File explorer if I add to "network->cloud" , my onedrive account and try to copy or move the files there , it cannot complete the operation. If I try to copy or move the files to another folder in the microsd or to the phone storage it works and at the new location they have the correct sizes not 0.00B . As I said, if I reboot the phone, file sizes show correct and all operations work as intended. "

Comments (3)

  1. The Fire

    I can't reproduce this issue. I took a picture with madCamera and the file size was correct in Gallery and also checking from my pc over MTP. Can you explain it more when this issue happens?

  2. NeoCortex

    I have the same problem with dropbox. I use dropbox with dropsync to sync one folder on my device with the cloud. While the syncprocess is running, it shows the error, that the files can't be synced because of size mismatch. It shows a size of 0B. The size in the dropbox cloud folder is correct. I used the sdcard write access module of magisk and then used the folder "/mnt/media_rw/[name of sd card]/synced_folder" as destination to get write access . And this helped. I can now sync my files again.

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