Coolpad Note 3 Oreo bugs

Issue #58 invalid
Vinay created an issue

Hi, Thanks a lot for Oreo Development for Coolpad note 3. I am the first one to try Oreo on my Coopad note 3 and after 2 days usage i found these issues:-

1- Youtube freezes while playing videos, the phone has to restart everytime when it freezes. Every button stops working when it occurs, can't lock screen. I have to press power button for few seconds to restart the device.

2- Same happens with MX player pro. ( especially when playing videos on H/W mode). Only option is to force restart the device.

3- compass don't work.

4- Sound is low

5- fast battery drainage from 15%.

6- screen flickering sometimes ( not always while using youtube and oreo settings).

7- Fingerprint disappears after restarting Note 3. Whole Fingerprint options form settings disappeared in my case. I flashed Fingerprint patch n ramdisk to overcome this problem and it worked.
( not a big issue)

Thats all i found in two days use.

Thanku again for making this Oreo update for coolpad users.

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