Delinker stuck again

Issue #47 resolved
Former user created an issue

Last action one week ago

Comments (8)

  1. Steinsplitter

    I did the following:

    • Update GLOBAL SUL: On some wikis the account was not created and delinker was unable to login, as per logs.
    • Updated the upstream repository (addwiki).
    • Restarted the grid job.
    • Checked for corrupt entry’s in the DB (this caused a issue a while ago).

    Still not working, nothing helpful in the logs…

  2. Steinsplitter

    Stack trace:
    #0 /mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/commons-delinquent/vendor/mediawiki-api/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/src/MediawikiApi.php(413): Psr\Log\NullLogger->log('debug', 'Login failed.', NULL)
    #1 /mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/commons-delinquent/ Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi->login(Object(Mediawiki\Api\ApiUser))
    #2 /mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/commons-delinquent/demon.php(125): CommonsDelinquent->getAPI('sourceswiki')
    #3 /mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/commons-delinquent/demon.php(147): CommonsDelinquentDemon->getTextFromWiki('sourceswiki', 'Use in /mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/commons-delinquent/vendor/mediawiki-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/NullLogger.php on line 24
    [2019-21-10T11:14] /data/project/commons-delinquent/demon.php exited with code 255. Respawning...

    WIki is not closed, no idea why it can’t login

    MariaDB [meta_p]> select * from wiki where dbname = "sourceswiki";
    | dbname      | lang | name       | family  | url                    | size | slice     | is_closed | has_echo | has_flaggedrevs | has_visualeditor | has_wikidata | is_sensitive |
    | sourceswiki | en   | Wikisource | special | |    2 | s3.labsdb |         0 |        1 |               0 |                0 |            1 |            0 |
    1 row in set (0.08 sec)


  3. Steinsplitter

    @Magnus Manske Du hast das Faremwork eingebut, ich habe keine idee warum sich das bot nicht einloggen kann…?

    MariaDB [s52421__commonsdelinquent_p]> select * from event where wiki="sourceswiki" limit 1;
    | id    | action | file                | wiki        | page                      | namespace | revision | timestamp      | comment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | log_id    | log_timestamp  | done | note                     | replace_with_file | user |
    | 66609 | unlink | Gyan_Kosh_vol_1.pdf | sourceswiki | Index:Gyan_Kosh_vol_1.pdf |       106 |     NULL | 20150210223421 | Removing "Gyan_Kosh_vol_1.pdf", it has been deleted from Commons by [[commons:User:Fastily|Fastily]] because: No license since 2 February 2015: you may [[:c:Special:Upload|re-upload]] the file, but please include a [[:c:COM:CT|license tag]]. | 114205131 | 20150210222226 |    2 | Could not connect to API | NULL              |      |
    1 row in set (0.11 sec)

  4. Steinsplitter

    Made 11 auto-create attempts.

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