merge issue 95, 97 and this

Issue #98 new
Former user created an issue

Examples 1: [[Fájl:Lajos kassai.jpg|thumb|left|230px|Kassai Lajos Magyar Örökség díjjal kitüntetett lovasíjász sportoló]] Example 2: [[Файл:10 TND obverse.jpg|мини|250px|Изображение на Ибн Халдун върху банкнота от 10 тунизийски денара]]

if there is an internal [[...]] block inside the external [[Fájl: or Файл: ...]] block, it works fine if there are only ascii characters inside the internal [[...]] block. As it happened with Kassai Lajos But if there are some nonasci (aka UTF8) character, it seems, that the closing ']]' of the internal [[...]] block is treated as if it is the end of the external block. I assume, that somehow you count the number of characters in the internal block, and then you remove the number of bytes from the internal block, and then the difference between utf8 character and byte size, you continue (and finish) removing the internal characters until the closing ']]' of internal block, assuming that it is in the external block. And so finally after that utf8 included internal block the remaining external block is not removed from the wikitext.

But i actually cannot see the relecant *.inc in the source, so it is just an idea how can it happen (multiple times)

Hope that this information can help.

Priority set to critical because it can happen multiple times.

User:UTF48 from

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