More types (same as for wiwosm)

Issue #19 new
Maciej “Nux” Jaros created an issue

Hi. Please add new types to enhance scaling possiblities, same as in wiwosm (added building and town):

$default_scale = array(
    'country'        => 10000000, # 10 mill
    'satellite'      => 10000000, # 10 mill
    'state'          =>  3000000, # 3 mill
    'adm1st'         =>  1000000, # 1 mill
    'adm2nd'         =>   300000, # 300 thousand
    'adm3rd'         =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'city'           =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'isle'           =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'mountain'       =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'river'          =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'waterbody'      =>   100000, # 100 thousand
    'event'          =>    50000, # 50 thousand
    'forest'         =>    50000, # 50 thousand
    'glacier'        =>    50000, # 50 thousand
    'town'           =>    50000, # 50 thousand
    'airport'        =>    30000, # 30 thousand
    'railwaystation' =>    10000, # 10 thousand
    'edu'            =>    10000, # 10 thousand
    'pass'           =>    10000, # 10 thousand
    'landmark'       =>    10000, # 10 thousand
    'building'       =>     3000,

You have this in `map_sources`. Thanks in advance :-)

You have “FIXME: Scale according to city size, if available“. I think adding town kind of solves this (or at least allows to solve it in wiki templates).

Comments (2)

  1. Maciej “Nux” Jaros reporter

    3k (building) is equivalent to 17 in osmzoom (or at least in wiwosm).

    $scale = 3000;
    $zoomtype = 18 - ( round(log($scale,2) - log(1693,2)) );
    // -> $zoomtype = 17

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