BaGLAMa - Country overviews

Issue #40 new
Beat Estermann created an issue

Dear Magnus,

I was lately attempting to reproduce the Dutch GLAM conent use statistics for institutions in Switzerland.

The idea would be to set it up in a way that is scalable (both across countries and over time), which means that it should not require too much manual work.

If I'm lucky I may be able to get some students to do the data visualization if I can provide them timely access to the relevant data.

For this purpose, I would like to use the data from BaGLAMa2. – Would it be possible to provide the BaGLAMa data for download in tidy format?

In my view, the data fields (columns) would be the following:

  • gid ==> BaGLAMa internal id
  • commonscat ==> Commons Category
  • year ==> Year
  • month ==> Month
  • site_url ==> Url of the Site (e.g. "")
  • site_label ==> Label of the Site (e.g. "German Wikipedia")
  • page ==> Name of the wiki page
  • type ==> Type of value (views statistic|filename)
  • value ==> actual value (e.g.: "788" or "GLAMimage.jpg")

It would be great to hear back from you about this, so I can plan my further activities in this area.

Beat Estermann,

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