option to toggle all catalogs on/off in Mix'n'match search

Issue #14 resolved
Sandra Fauconnier created an issue

I use the Mix'n'match search function very often (when I edit Wikidata: daily). I'd like to be able to search more precisely - in just one or in a few catalogs. Now it is only possible to switch catalogs off via the checkboxes; and we have MANY catalogs now, so if you just want to search in one to three catalogs, you have to do a lot of boring clicking there :) Would it be possible to add a very simple link/button with which all catalogs can be checked or unchecked at the same time? That would already improve usability a lot. In an ideal world, the search function would be even much more refined (think 'search in descriptions as well', for instance, and offer search option per catalog separately...), but this one simple added function would already help a lot!

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