Problems in loading entries and removing matches

Issue #55 resolved
Camillo Pellizzari created an issue

As reported also at, from two days ago many users experience various problems:

  • it is impossible to remove matches, both automatches and manual matches: clicking “Remove”, nothing happens
  • it impossible to load single entries: “Loading …” never ends

Comments (4)

  1. Camillo Pellizzari reporter

    Update: it is now possible to load single entries, while it is still impossible to remove matches.

  2. Camillo Pellizzari reporter

    Update: now

    • if I remove a manual match, all OK
    • if I remove an automatic match and immediately set a new match, all OK;
    • if I simply remove an automatic or manual match without immediately setting a new match, it seems removed, but it reappears when I reload the page

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