Expose getLanguageProject() through api

Issue #1 resolved
Lokal Profil created an issue

Would it be possible to expose getLanguageProject() through the api. That way PagePiles could be used as input for e.g. WikiPage (in magnustools) without having to maintain a separate language/project mapping.

Comments (3)

  1. Magnus Manske repo owner

    Not quite sure what you mean. Is the idea that you can give other tools a PagePile ID instead of language/project/articles, and the tool can work out language and project from the ID?

    If so, I have just added language/project data to the JSON output by default, example: https://tools.wmflabs.org/pagepile/api.php?id=6240&action=get_data&doit&limit=10&format=jsonfm&sort=random So any tool using PagePile now gets this data automatically, without the need for another request. Is that sufficient?

  2. Lokal Profil reporter

    I have to admit that I can no longer remember the workflow for which I needed this (or what I meant with "WikiPage").

    That addition to the JSON should expose the same info as what I requested though so Resolved in my book.

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