Parsing of date chokes on Q16073210

Issue #10 new
Waldir Pimenta created an issue

I'm getting an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'time' of undefined" in line 34 of auto_long_desc.js, which reads:

var pre = d.time.substr(0,1) == '+' ? 1 : -1 ;

It seems as though the line immediately above,

var d = (claim.time===undefined) ? (claim.datavalue===undefined?this.i.getClaimDate(claim):claim.datavalue.value) : claim ;

fails to prevent all cases of "undefinedness", but I may be reading this incorrectly.

I'm not exactly sure which of the dates at Q16073210 is the culprit, but I'd guess it's the year-only qualifiers (e.g. end date of occupation)

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