Non-resolvable DOI created in quickstatement after DOI falls back from invalid DOI with trailing slash

Issue #24 new
Jonathan A Brier created an issue

Sourcemd accepts invalid DOI to generate quickstatement with invalid DOI based on a DOI falling back removing the trailing slash creating duplicate Q’s the valid DOI without the trailing slash.

A DOI with trailing slash is valid which means 10.1641/B580303/ and 10.1641/B580303 are different DOIs, but sourcemd generated quickstatements for the valid DOI after being fed the invalid DOI with the slash. Then in the statements the DOI with the slash applied to the new item and does not resolve since it is not a valid DOI.

It seems that either sourcemd should conservatively note that the DOI is invalid and does not resolve, and to check if the trailing slash is the issue. If we are certain the DOI can safely fallback to the DOI without the trailing slash then ensuring that the corrected DOI is applied to the quickstatement too.

Note handling of trailing slash at

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