[by Jonathan Ballet] Can't login using OAuth on "Wikidata - The Game"

Issue #112 new
Magnus Manske repo owner created an issue

[moved from https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/MAGNUS-421 ]


I tried to "play" Wikidata Game from http://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-game/

I clicked on the "Log in here" link, which redirects me to https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:OAuth/authorize with two special OAuth tokens. I'm already logged in on this website and it proposes me to allow "Widar" to do some stuff on www.wikidata.org, which I allow by clicking the "Allow" button.

I'm then redirected to http://tools.wmflabs.org/widar/index.php? with two OAuth tokens as well, where I get the following message:

You have not authorized Widar to perform edits on Wikidata on your behalf. Authorize WiDaR now.

If I click on "Authorize WiDaR now", the whole process described above repeats itself, and ends up with the same "not authorized Widar bla bla" message.

In the end, I can't "play" Wikidata Game

Oh, and there several other people who observed the same behavior (as reported, in French, at http://linuxfr.org/users/nicolas_raoul/journaux/wikidata-the-game)

Comments (6)

  1. Jonathan Ballet

    It shows up, yes, with the following informations:

    Application name: Widar [1.3]
    Publisher: Magnus Manske
    Application description: Wikidata remote editor
    Allowed on project: www.wikidata.org
    Applicable grants allowed:
        Basic rights
        High-volume editing 
        Edit existing pages 
        Create, edit, and move pages    
        Rollback changes to pages   
        Delete pages, revisions, and log entries    
  2. gladjonatan

    (I can't press the "after you authorized"-butt, to update the page using an iPad mini, nothing happens. And if I manually update the page, it still ask me to Login with WiDaR. So, the game is "un-playable" for me on iOS.)

  3. Jonathan Ballet

    [sorry for the late reply, I somehow didn't get notified you answered me] Yes, it still asked me to authorize.

    But actually, I just tried again (I wanted to give you the exact message), and it seems I'm now logged in. I don't know if you changed something in the meanwhile...

  4. Hsarrazin

    have the same problem on my smartphone (but ok on the tablet), using the same navigator : Chrome... :(

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