Image game : explicit buttons "Not sure" and "No more pictures"

Issue #122 new
Hsarrazin created an issue

I guess the 1st one is for I don't know and the 2nd is for none of the unselected pictures (which then removes the item from the game), but I'm not sure...

Comments (2)

  1. Hsarrazin reporter

    in other words, which button should I use when : * I found an image, and I think that no more is needed ? * I did not find any image and none of those proposed will do (i.e. only works by a painter, not his portrait, or only a symbol, like for Bruno Bettelheim) ? * I found an image but some others could interest other contributors ?

    Does the "Not sure" button removes the selection I did ?

  2. Hsarrazin reporter

    Also the game does not count items where don't know bas been hit, even if 4 pics have been added (coat of arm, maps, prononciation...) It should count for 1 if pics have been added, even if the main pic bas not been chosen, when there are a lot to choose among ;-)

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