Add a way to flag items for attention

Issue #16 resolved
Waldir Pimenta created an issue

I've come across items marked as instance of human but that are really groups of people (e.g. music bands), so often can't (and shouldn't anyway) be assigned a single gender.

But currently the only option to deal with these cases is clicking "I'm not sure", which just hides it from my view of the game, meaning it will show up for someone else to assign a gender to it. This is a recipe for disaster, as someone might assign it a gender by mistake, or by misunderstand the data model. The same can happen with people that don't conform to traditional gender roles (male/female).

With the proposed addition, items flagged in the game should be removed from the pool of available items for other players, and ideally marked on Wikidata as needing attention from the editors, who could then sort out their labels.

Comments (9)

  1. David Mac

    I had the exact same thought after running through a few gender assignments. There needs to be an additional choice "Not Appropriate" that removes the "Instance of Human" attribute from the entity.

    Edit: well, since the OP has changed the text of this issue, let me say that I had a thought that used to be the exact same as what the OP thought: an alternative choice when the question is inappropriate - some instances of "human" aren't really and so asking the gender doesn't make sense for them.

  2. Luc Béasse

    Fully agree with the proposal, but IMHO removing the P31 is a bad idea.

    It was probably set by a bot based on a wrong deduction from a wiki category. So the next time a bot will pass on the same cat, the same error is likely to happen. For once, a human looks at that item and detects the error. It has to be fully fixed.

    So the item with error should be put in a log somewhere, so that someone comes and fixes the issue.

    It could be a global feature of the Game environment : A "Issue with item" button somewhere on the bottom left or right, clearly separated from the other. Then a log page, with the reported items with issues, with for each the source game and a remove button for when the issue is fixed.

  3. Adeliine

    I agree with Luc Béasse. I like "Issue with item" button which removes the item from game and puts it somewhere to be dealt with.

    For example the game gave me today (26th May) an item about a pair of people and claimed that this item is marked as "human" and needs gender assignment. In fact the "human" was removed from this item in Wikidata on 21th of May. If the game can't update itself, at least I should be able to tell it that it has a problem :).

  4. Waldir Pimenta reporter

    Agreed as well. Using a "flag" system (which could be implemented, for example, a faded red flag icon to the right of the screen) would make the interface less cluttered, by maintaining the current 3-button core game yet allowing these special cases to be identifed. I'll rename the issue to make it more generic.

  5. Nick W

    Agreed. I ran into a band marked as 'human', and removed it, but I didn't know what else to do, as a relative newcomer to Wikidata - Now I see in the discussion above, that there's a possiblity that a bot will recreate the error (I've fixed one category at Enwiki, but possibly there are more errors). Adding a "flag" system would be helpful.

  6. Waldir Pimenta reporter

    Great, @magnusmanske :) but wouldn't it make sense to automatically skip to the next item upon flagging the current one?

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