Source Metadata: provide more skipping options

Issue #208 new
daniel_mietchen created an issue

For reasons not clear to me, I keep getting many suggestions that I had skipped previously (sometimes just moments ago, sometimes days or weeks), even though there should still be many other combinations possible.

One way to deal with this is to allow for more ways of skipping - right now, a skip just means that the given combination (Wikidata item about paper/ author string from paper/ Wikidata item about potential author) will come back later.

In addition to that, it would be good to have a way to skip a given combination entirely (or at least until no unskipped combinations remain for me), or to be abler to skip the three elements of a combination individually.

Conversely, it would also be nice if I could fix any one or two of the three elements to see what suggestions the tool can come up with for the remaining ones).

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