Single quote in URL becomes #

Issue #92 duplicate
TMg_ created an issue

Note the special character in the URL. It should link to but links to

<a href="// d%23oro (disambigua)" target="_blank">
Pala d'oro (disambigua)

Seen in the disambig game.

Comments (5)

  1. Waldir Pimenta

    This should have been fixed by c818e44 (merged 3h ago). Did you by any chance experience this problem before that? Or maybe your browser cache didn't load the latest version of the game -- try clearing your cache and reloading the game and see if it occurs again. I'm putting this on hold until it can be confirmed that the bug still exists.

  2. TMg_ reporter

    You know there is an existing function encodeURIComponent in JavaScript you can use? No need to create your own regular expressions.

  3. Lokal Profil

    encodeURIComponent could probably be used but apart from ' which closes the href parameter I don't think any other characters (that are allowed as article names) should be a problem on modern browsers. If we see issues with weird URL:s though we should probably consider changing.

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