Drop s51211__wikidata_cache_p.json_cache_deactivated_see_if_anything_screams table

Issue #107 new
Lucas Werkmeister created an issue

Just out of curiosity, I checked what the largest public tables on Toolforge are. The fifth largest in total (fourth largest by data length) is called json_cache_deactivated_see_if_anything_screams:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT table_schema, table_name, data_length, index_length FROM information_schema.TABLES ORDER BY data_length + index_length DESC LIMIT  10;
| table_schema             | table_name                                     | data_length  | index_length |
| s53867__referee_p        | urls                                           | 202937204736 |    419151872 |
| s51203__baglama2_p       | group2view                                     |  35679895552 |  22891446272 |
| s51218__wdfist_p         | inaturalist                                    |  49587159040 |     66289664 |
| s51434__mixnmatch_p      | entry                                          |  11698782208 |  25386565632 |
| s51211__wikidata_cache_p | json_cache_deactivated_see_if_anything_screams |  34235722940 |    217748480 |
| s53132__trex_p           | predictions                                    |  30914117632 |            0 |
| s51203__baglama2_p       | views                                          |  16546529280 |  11312693248 |
| s51434__mixnmatch_p      | blob                                           |  23676534784 |            0 |
| u16664__wdcm_p           | wdcm_datatable                                 |   4918870016 |   7040122880 |
| s53865__wdpv_p           | qid_hourly_views                               |   5954797568 |   3148873728 |
10 rows in set (0.49 sec)

Its credential user corresponds to the wikidata-todo tool:

$ id 51211                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
uid=51211(tools.wikidata-todo) gid=51211(tools.wikidata-todo) groups=51211(tools.wikidata-todo)

It doesn’t seem to have been updated in almost four years:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT timestamp FROM s51211__wikidata_cache_p.json_cache_deactivated_see_if_anything_screams ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10;
| timestamp      |
| 20150423224237 |
| 20150423224235 |
| 20150423224234 |
| 20150423224232 |
| 20150423224232 |
| 20150423224232 |
| 20150423224231 |
| 20150423224231 |
| 20150423224231 |
| 20150423224230 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And the only script (as far as I can tell) that referenced it (before the “deactivated, see if anything screams” rename) was disabled last year in 28ac179afbcaf9c22a956e93815c7699fe90a118.

Might as well drop the table and free some 34 GB of disk space on the database servers :)