[tree] Long label (with parentheses?) is not loaded, and prevents all labels from loading, subtree of its item is not created.

Issue #49 resolved
aleksejrs created an issue

The item is simply:

  • Label: "Молоко (кроме сырого). Продукты молочные и молочные составные, кроме масла из коровьего молока, пасты масляной, сыра, сырных продуктов и молочного жира"
  • Description: "группа продукции в ОКП (92 2200)"
  • subclass of: Q185217

Comments (17)

  1. Magnus Manske repo owner

    I switched the data source from WDQ to SPARQL, which has the latest data. Could you please

    • check that results still make sense
    • check if there are any of the above issues still present
    • link to them and not fix them on Wikidata, so I can see how it actually goes wrong
  2. aleksejrs reporter

    I gave the same value "Молоко (кроме сырого). Продукты молочные и молочные составные, кроме масла из коровьего молока, пасты масляной, сыра, сырных продуктов и молочного жира" to the Esperanto label of the sandbox item https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4115189 , and https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/tree.html?q=4115189&rp=279&lang=eo stopped showing labels that it did show just before.

  3. Magnus Manske repo owner

    It was a problem with the PHP json_encode function confronted with HTML entities. Should be fixed now.

  4. aleksejrs reporter

    Hm, maybe it is actually impossible to add it as a property value (and I renamed it because of this tree issue before I used it as a superclass). Its subclasses are showing either the old value, or "Молоко (кроме сырого). Продукты молочные и молочные составные, кроме масла из коровьего молока, пасты масляной, сыра, сырных продуктов и мол�", and the beginning of the latter results in that truncated string on autocompletion, making it impossible to save.

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