[SPARQL-rc] more detailed statistics now possible?

Issue #75 new
Sandra Fauconnier created an issue

Hi Magnus! I'd be curious to know if the recent changes data used to feed SPARQL-rc is usable to be split up according to certain criteria, e.g.

  • percentage of bot vs human edits
  • percentage of edits split down by 'type' e.g. edits to identifiers, links to other Wikimedia projects, references
  • gradual increase of number of statements per item; etc…

and generally to feed into statistics over time à la BaGLAMa?

I just revisited some of the documentation we wrote after the Flemish museums' import project, specifically about statistics requests that could not be fulfilled at that time yet - but maybe now they can.

Here’s what we wrote about desired statistics on wiki.

I assume (1) and (2) (partially) now may become possible ?? Or not?

If it does become possible, I'd be interested to ask a few other Wikidata statistics enthusiasts to brainstorm together more specifically on what kind of statistics we'd love to have.

Comments (4)

  1. Magnus Manske repo owner

    Hi Sandra, some basic stats are certainly possible:

    • bot/human is easy
    • "type" is possible, but requires some fiddling (this is encoded as text in the revision edit summary, somehow...)
    • that would include increase/decrease statements etc. within the diff period
    • over time statistics are of course possible, but require a database, an interface, user management, OAuth login, access as API rather than HTML pages, and so on; in other words, careful planning!
    • I actually wrote a tool for Liam in that regard a long time ago, but I forgot where it is (don't laugh!), but it wasn't complete, and has most like fallen into disrepair by now

    A "statistics wishlist" would be very nice for planning; the Flemish "Statistics" list is certainly a start. SPARQL-rc is a rather ad-hoc tool, I might actually write a separate one for statistics collection over time. Any name suggestions? ;-)

  2. Magnus Manske repo owner

    I think I'll just keep that tool name and modify it. Keeping my wits about me, so to speak ;-)

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