QS doesn't allow urls with "_" characters

Issue #84 new
Former user created an issue

I'm facing a inescapable problem to add url references with "_" character and I don't know why is this happening.

Comments (1)

  1. jaroslaw Tuszynski

    I spend a while trying to figure out this issue. What I found out is that:

    • adding URLs with underscores work just fine if you use QS interface (I tested it using "Version 1 format"). See here

    • QS interface produces URL that communicates with QS stage 2 page where we see parsed statements (the one with the "Run" button) . Many tools skip the initial QS interface and produce URL compatible with the second stage. If a statement tries to add URL that has underscores in it than resulting URL used by QS to communicate with stage 2 also has underscores in it, and it works fine.

    • If some tool creates identical URL to the one produced by QS interface, lets say https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/#v1=Q4115189%09P4656%09%22https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Eco_Art%22%0A than the process of clicking it (or cutting and pasting) changes it to https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/#v1=Q4115189%09P4656%09%22https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Eco%20Art%22%0A . It seems like all spaces, underscores and "%5F" characters are changed to "%20" resulting in invalid link. QS abort the operation.

    • I found no workaround for this issue. The only hope would be for QS stage 2 tool to somehow restore underscores in URLs before proceeding. I do not know if it is always a proper thing to do but at least for links on Wikipedia projects "%20" could be always replaced with "_".

    I reported the issue here and here hoping someone might find workaround.

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