restructure the code, this is so the curl instance won't close unexpectedly before curl_exec is called (issue relating to Laravel, IOC container using a job and service provider)

#22 · Created  · Last updated


An issue I picked up using this package that uses this mailchimp package. The above mentioned package is a service provider that gives an instance of Mailchimp. - I am using Laravel 5.3. - php7 I use the dispatch command in a controller to dispatch a job and then the call is never made. By the time curl_exec is called I get $ch = 0.

  • The issue appears to be Laravel\jobs specific. (at least as far as I know)

  • The IOC container call method seem to lose the data of the curl instance. (e.g. $this->ch is 0)

My thinking (that is unconfirmed at this point).

The IOC container call method is called at a time where the curl instance is now closed (probably for security reasons).

Suggested fix:

  • Capture data in the constructor (e.g. $opts)

  • init curl instance before it is called

  • I actually did this on this package and it works for me.

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