When compiling with llvm's -fsanitize=bounds -fsanitize=integer flags, I get runtime warnings

Issue #17 resolved
Mate Soos created an issue

This seems kind of serious and probably easy to fix. If I compile CryptoMiniSat with the above flags and llvm, I get:

/usr/local/include/m4ri/mzd.h:655:3: runtime error: negation of 1 cannot be represented in type 'word' (aka 'unsigned long'). The line at mzd.h for me is:

static inline void mzd_write_bit(mzd_t *M, rci_t const row, rci_t const col, BIT const value) { __M4RI_WRITE_BIT(M->rows[row][(col + M->offset) / m4ri_radix], (col + M->offset) % m4ri_radix, value); }

Since this is a runtime checker, it usually indicates real bugs.

Cheers and thanks for M4RI!

Comments (3)

  1. Mate Soos reporter

    Ooops, sorry, I did file to the wrong place. Also, you are right, it's correct. Sorry!

    Thanks again for M4RI!


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