Create release-20200125 tag

Issue #24 resolved
Mauricio Collares created an issue

I noticed that there is a release-20200125.tar.gz tarball whose sources match commit 06c3bb79082fd6aa0a59b911238e861fc676d275 exactly, but no corresponding release-20200125 tag. I wonder if it would be possible to create this tag? This is very pedantic and I apologise in advance for asking, but it would make packaging the latest release slightly easier for me (on NixOS). Thanks!

Comments (8)

  1. Mauricio Collares reporter

    Thank you! I don't see the tag on Bitbucket yet, but it’ll probably show up soon. Feel free to mark the issue as resolved. Thanks again!

  2. Mauricio Collares reporter

    It does! But this tag already existed. There was another release 10 days after that tag (January 25th, 2020), and this is the one I refer to.

  3. Mauricio Collares reporter

    No problem at all, I am the one who should be apologizing for asking for something this trivial. Thank you very much for creating the tag!

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