Smoking animation system changed

Issue #5 new
Kamil Zbrog repo owner created an issue

It seems that the soldier "smoking animation system" got changed in BCD. In BEL, soldiers who were standing around randomly played the smoke-animation, which doesn't happen in BCD anymore. In BCD, the soldier picks up a pack of cigs that the player dropped. He then continues with his route or goes back to his starting point, while stopping on the way to smoke.

What I would like to have now: If a soldier already has cigs (".TENGOTABACO 1.0") and is standing around for a while, he should randomly play the smoke animation. Would be super fancy if such a thing is possible (maybe limited to the BANPE1 / BANPE2 macros? No idea if such a thing would collide with patroling soldiers, but I would guess it makes the thing more complicated).

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