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Wallboard Music - Local / Home

Wallboard Music - Local

This python script works with Youtube-dl to download music locally given data from a Google Spreadsheet. It can then be configured to play different themed music for different events in cron jobs, through VLC Player and then using OSX's say command to announce the different events.


  • Clone the repo

    # git clone

  • Install Youtube-dl, eg:

    # sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl

  • Install VLC Player

  • Create a GoogleDocs spreadsheet:

  1. Set permissions to "Anyone with the link"
  2. Populate Row 1 with the structure of:
  3. Col A: Youtube Links
  4. Col B: Nominator Name
  5. Col C: Song Name
  6. Enter in your songs in the rows below
  7. Note down the "key=XXXXXXX" of the doc in the URL
  • Create a config.ini file using the example.ini file including:
  1. A [mode] name
  2. Music time Description
  3. Enter in the GoogleDoc Spreadsheet URL Key
  4. Enter in a Duration length you want the song to play for
  5. Enter in what you'd like the OSX Say command to announce for the random song
  • Download your songs (note this may take some time)
    # download
  • Test the mode you configured in config.ini
    # <mode_name>
  • Lastly, set in cron jobs when you'd like the mode to play along with a once a day download

Have fun!
