Auto-installer failed?

Issue #1 resolved
Stewart Martin created an issue

Not really sure what's happening here. Not sure if I should post this issue here or in the daikatana13 repo.

I started Daikatana today and it said there was an update so I clicked "Download Update"

It then downloads the update. When it finishes I click "Ok" and then "DK_EXE_LATEST.EXE" asks to run with admin privileges, and I allow it. Then the Daikatana Console pops up with an error.

Here is the full text of the error: "Daikatana 1.3pre-beta x86 Win32-Release Jan 24 2018 ----- Filesystem Initialization ----- Current search path:

G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Daikatana/data G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Daikatana/data/pak4.pak (756 files)

756 files in PAK files Unknown command "vid_restart" Unknown command "snd_restart" couldn't exec daikatana.cfg Winsock Initialized Console initialized. couldn't exec daikatana.cfg couldn't exec default_keys.cfg ------- Loading ref_gl.dll ------- ref_gl version: GL EXT 0.01 Freeing Audio Engine DLL... recursive error after: Couldn't load colormap.bmp from pics/colormap.bmp"

I tried running DK_EXE_LATEST.EXE seperately and it finished with no issues, but daikatana still says there is an update.

I tried running dk_upd.exe separately and it finished , but again daikatana still says there is an update. It does say "File mismatch!" for daikatana.exe however.

Comments (11)

  1. Frank Sapone repo owner

    If you run dk_upd.exe it says theres an update available? Because I just installed latest version and it seems to work OK over here.

  2. Frank Sapone repo owner

    Are you running any virus scanners that may be interfering? Is there a daikatana.exe open stuck in limbo in your taskmgr? Because I just ran the dk_upd.exe with an old daikatana.exe and it worked fine. Also tried in game.

  3. Frank Sapone repo owner

    It also looks like for some reason, pak1.pak, pak2.pak, pak3.pak didn't load and couldnt' find your config files. What's in G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Daikatana/data ? Do you have DK 1.3 installed some place else? Because the auto-installer will pick either where it runs from the first time (which should be root DK dir) or if theres a registry variable saved it will use that. If the paths changed and they're wrong this could be why it failed. If that's the case you'd have to run the manual install and pick the proper directory.

  4. Stewart Martin reporter

    Oh. dk_update.exe says there is no updates available. It's the daikatana.exe that says there is. /version says October 2nd 2017.

    Oh...ok, I see. I moved the game from one hard drive to another. Daikatana isn't on G:\ any more it's on D:\ now. I moved it there because it's an ssd, and I was trying to further reduce load times.

    This was all my fault. Thank you! I ran the installer manually and changed the drive and it all seemed to work fine. Version is correct now, etc. Is there a registry entry I should change or something?

  5. Frank Sapone repo owner

    You found it, but for future reference the installer actually searches for the same registry keys that are set from installing Daikatana from a retail CD. This is based on the assumption that someone may actually install v1.0 and run patches.

    Thanks for the interest in DK 1.3, and if you have other problems you can post them on the DK 1.3 project page. But, problems related to dk_upd.exe is OK to post here.

  6. Stewart Martin reporter

    Thank you! Yeah, I wasn't sure. I guess the in-game autoupdater doesn't use dk_upd.exe?

  7. Frank Sapone repo owner

    It's based on the same code. However, the installer itself is generated with Nullsoft Installer. Basically, you can run the installer with /S (case sensitive) to silently install and it will install based on that registry value. Or if that doesn't exist, where it runs from (then it saves this registry value).

  8. Stewart Martin reporter

    Ah, I see. Thanks yet again for your work on this, and your quick responses. Have a good one : )

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