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Papyrus / Home


Welcome to the public repository of the Papyrus Library application for the Android smartphone operating system. With Papyrus, you can manage all your personal physical books and keep track of them when you lend them out. Think of it as you own personal librarian.


These requirements are for compiling the project.


The project is designed to be built in a few ways. Each build environment has it's own setup instructions page, but some step must be followed by all environments.

  1. Make sure to uninstall/reinstall the Android SDK (SDK folder/file layouts have changed and setup is based on SDK r16+)
  2. Install the Android 2.2 (API 8) and Android Support Package from the SDK tools
  3. Download the .zip or clone (using Git) the Maven Android SDK Deployer
  4. Change to the extras/compatibility-v4 in directory where the Android SDK Deployer has been extracted or cloned from the command line
  5. Execute mvn clean install to install the Android Support Package into your local Maven repository
  6. Proceed with any of the setup instructions below

  • Develop using Eclipse (not supported, new ADT tools broke this)
  • Develop using Maven
  • Develop using Ant (deprecated - replaced by Maven)


Originally, Papyrus was the result of a frustrated 4th year computer scientist (me) who needed a final year project and could never remember which one of my textbooks I lent out to friends. The project was actually done in a team. The code isn't pretty (comments and elegant solutions aren't a priority when you have other classes and assignments to finish), but it works.

After removing some dependencies (initial version had all requests going through a server) I decided to turn it into a hobby/open source project and published it on the Android market place. I work on it when I have some spare time, but don't expect any new features soon, the first step is refactoring/cleaning up the code.
