Init pins automatically, and cannot read values.

Issue #10 resolved
Former user created an issue

win10 64bit/ Unity 2017.1.0f3 / Arduino IDE 1.8.5 /Uduino 1.4.1

I did your MPU 6050 project, but these errors occurred.

debug; Init all pins UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Uduino.Log:Debug(Object) (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoDebug.cs:29) Uduino.UduinoManager:InitAllPins() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:718) Uduino.UduinoManager:InitAllArduinos() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:733) Uduino.<FindBoardPort>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:520) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) Uduino.UduinoManager:Discover(String[]) (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:481) Uduino.UduinoManager:DiscoverPorts() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:440) Uduino.UduinoManager:Awake() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:414

Any suggestion? Regards.

Comments (5)

  1. 翔田村

    Thanks for your reply. No, but version 1.4.3 cannot read quickly even slight Unity project, and I changed Log level , time out values in Uduino Inspector. So, I use 1.4.1. Best,

  2. Marc Teys repo owner

    No worries, I am still working on Uduino. Those days I worked on the version 2.0 including a complete refactor and fixing most of the problems including this one.

    Also, you should be aware that if you debug too much and too often the variables with Debug.Log , it will slow Unity Update() (and thus having the impression that the reading is slower)

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