2 Boards connected via WiFi, both found, but only one can be controlled at once.

Issue #42 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have 2 Wemos D1 Mini, connected via WiFi.

Both boards have different ports and found by Uduino with no problems. But i can only control one board at a time. The Debuglog show me that both boards are found, but when i change values via script or slider, the values get send only to the first board which was discovered. When i plug off the first board while running, the second boards get the commands.

using UnityEngine;
using Uduino;

public class ArduinoController : MonoBehaviour

    [Range(0, 180)]
    public int servoValue;

    UduinoDevice boardLeft;
    UduinoDevice boardRight;
    bool  initialized = false;

    void Update()
        if (UduinoManager.Instance.hasBoardConnected() && !initialized)
            boardLeft = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("leftBoard");
            boardRight = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("rightBoard");
            UduinoManager.Instance.pinMode(boardLeft, 2, PinMode.Servo);
            UduinoManager.Instance.pinMode(boardRight, 2, PinMode.Servo);
            initialized = true;   

        if (initialized)
            UduinoManager.Instance.analogWrite(boardLeft, 2, servoValue);
            UduinoManager.Instance.analogWrite(boardRight, 2, servoValue);


Looks like there is a issue with the stream?


As you can see, both boards are found. But only one get the pinSet command and all other commands. I also tried, to get the board and set the pin all the time in update, because i thought that its maybe a timing issue, but this also dont work.

Is there anything i can do?

Comments (4)

  1. Lander Eguia

    Have more or less the same problem. Im using digital inputs and in the inspector i can see that the diferent players get diferent inputs. If i have only one the code works, once i get to turn the second board nothing works.

    public class GamePad2 : MonoBehaviour
    float currentVelocity;
    [SerializeField] float movespeed = 4f; //Velocidad de movimiento
    private Rigidbody rb;
    [SerializeField] int fwd;
    [SerializeField] int bkw;
    [SerializeField] int left;
    [SerializeField] int right;
    [SerializeField] int jump;

    public class GamePad2 : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] int fwd1;
    [SerializeField] int fwd2;
    UduinoDevice Player1;
    UduinoDevice Player2;
    void Start()
        Player1 = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("Player1"); 
        //Declaracion de puertos del ESP32
        Uduino.UduinoManager.Instance.pinMode(Player1,12, PinMode.Input_pullup);
        Player1 = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("Player2");
        //Declaracion de puertos del ESP32
        Uduino.UduinoManager.Instance.pinMode(Player2, 12, PinMode.Input_pullup);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        fwd = UduinoManager.Instance.digitalRead(Player1,14);
        fwd2 = UduinoManager.Instance.digitalRead(Player2, 14);
        if (fwd == 1) //fwd == 1
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * movespeed);

  2. Vesper Chu

    This has been fixed in the last version of Uduino

    Hi, I’ve updated to the new version (3.5.0), But I find this problem still exists.

    I connected two ESP32 boards to Uduino and try to read analog inputs from two potentiometers. Two boards are both found and I can read both input numbers on the inspector.

    But if I use pins of the same number, two numbers on the inspectors are the same and are actually controlled by only one potentiometer.

    for example in my code below, I use pin D39 of each board, then the number I read from them is always the same.

    if I use different pins, the problem will be solved.

    I actually want to use 10 potentiometers in the future, while one board only have 6 pins which I can use. So I have to use pins of the same number.

    Did I do anything wrong in my code?

    Thanks in advance.

    using UnityEngine;
    using Uduino;
    public class UduinoReceive : MonoBehaviour
        private UduinoDevice uduinoBoardR;
        private UduinoDevice uduinoBoardL;
        void Start()
            uduinoBoardL = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("uduinoBoardR");
            uduinoBoardR = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("uduinoBoardL");
        void Update()

  3. Marc Teys repo owner

    Maybe there are issues that I need to investigate when multiple board are assigned in start() function. Indeed, on start the board are not yet discovered. I recommend you to switch your code with this one:

    using UnityEngine;
    using Uduino;
    public class UduinoReceive : MonoBehaviour
        private UduinoDevice uduinoBoardR;
        private UduinoDevice uduinoBoardL;
        //You need to drag and drop this script in the callback "OnBoardConnected Event" in the Uduino inspector panel. 
        public void BoardConnected(Uduinodevice device)
                Debug.Log("Event: Board " + device.name +" connected");
          if(device.name == "uduinoBoardR") {
            uduinoBoardR = device;
          if(device.name == "uduinoBoardL") {
            uduinoBoardL = UduinoManager.Instance.GetBoard("uduinoBoardL");
        void Update()

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