Impossible to get name on [COM 5]

Issue #8 resolved
Former user created an issue

Windows10 64bit / Unity 2017.1.0f3 / Uduino 1.4.1 &1.4.3 Arduino Uno

Console: identity</color> sent to <color=#2196F3>[\.\COM5]</color> UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Uduino.Log:Info(Object) (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoDebug.cs:23) Uduino.SerialArduino:WriteToArduinoLoop() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/SerialArduino.cs:199) Uduino.SerialArduino:WriteToArduino(String, Object, Boolean) (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/SerialArduino.cs:175) Uduino.SerialArduino:ReadFromArduinoLoop() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/SerialArduino.cs:262) Uduino.SerialArduino:ReadFromArduino(String, Int32, Boolean) (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/SerialArduino.cs:241) Uduino.<FindBoardPort>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/Uduino/Scripts/UduinoManager.cs:501) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

Comments (4)

  1. Marc Teys repo owner


    I cannot help you with this issue, it's related to the connection between the board and Unity. Some steps to try to fix his problem:

    • Re-upload the code on the Arduino (Be sure it is uploaded to the good arduino card)

    • Increase the read and write timeout ( Advanced > General Serial Settings > Read/Write timeout)

    • Augment the number of discovery tries (Advanced > Discovery settings )

    • If you have other Com ports open in the computer which are not arduino board, you can add them to the "Blacklisted ports".

  2. Michael Heiml

    Hey, if it helps you I had the same issue with a MacBookPro and an Arduino Mega 2560.

    After quite some research, I found this fix: increase the "Discover delay" from 0 to 1 in "Discovery settings" in Unity and make sure the Board Type is set properly (for me, it was set to Uno instead of Mega).

    Interestingly, the vanilla setup works on Windows on the same machine / hardware setup but not under macOS.

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