Bypass of no-inventory restriction

Issue #103 wontfix
Former user created an issue

When the no-inventory restriction is in place, you can still reach any clothing which has been put into an outfit using the Appearance button. From the appearance dialog, you can put on clothing.

This may be a feature, not a bug, but it does give an easy way to get dressed after being stripped and the no-inventory restriction applied.

Comments (2)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Yes I am aware of it... The "showinv" restriction does not serve as a "no-wear" restriction, there's "unsharedwear" and "addattach" and "addoutfit" for that. It is more so that you can't give objects to other people, mostly. Or rez them (although there's "rez" for that), edit them (and there's "edit") for that, or whatever. It is more like a blanket restriction that was done in the beginning, at the time when the "appearance" window wasn't even an idea, let alone a thing.

    Since the appearance window does not allow you to transfer an object, or to move it from one outfit to another (since they are not really objects, but links), I don't think that bug is really a problem.

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