@notify does not work with "worn"

Issue #107 resolved
Former user created an issue

the @notify command seems to send a notification when clothing items are removed, but not when they are added. In other words, /unworn legally <item> shows up, but /worn legally <item> does not.

I have tried this in CoolVL, UKanDo, Kokua, and RLV viewers, all of which use the latest standards (at least RLV 2.9).

It does work in Firestorm, using the older RLVa, but it seems to be broken in the latest version that includes camera controls, etc.

I have the following code: llOwnerSay("@notify:555=add"), after which I have it show the notification in open chat. I tried with specifying "worn" and "unworn," and then I tried without specification. Either way, it sends the notification when unworn, but not when worn.

Comments (3)

  1. Henri Beauchamp

    The Cool VL Viewer (tested with RLV v2.09.15.21) is not affected by this bug (but it could have been in the past, in older v2.09 RLV releases) and, in fact, Marine adopted in her fix pretty much the same code I wrote for the Cool VL Viewer ages ago... However, the Cool VL Viewer is affected by a bug that prevents it from showing the "attached legally" notification when an object is added to a joint already having another item attached; this will be fixed in next releases (not sure if other RestrainedLove viewers are affected or not).

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    I thought I had set this issue to Resolved.

    I wasn't aware that Cool VL had a fix for it, in my case it was due to my modification handling the notifications being included in a method that was no longer executed in LL's latest codebase, so I had to move it. But doing so, I tested all the "worn legally", "unworn legally", "attached legally" and "detached legally" notifications, so I'm pretty sure it works on the RLV.

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