Logging in with addattach restriction set still doesn't work right

Issue #113 on hold
SageR created an issue

I realize this was supposed to be fixed by issue #104 but I still have big problem logging in when all attachments are locked. To reproduce it, attach lots of things to your hud and AV. Wear prim clothes. The idea is to load up all 38 locations or close to it. Restrict your bandwidth to 200 Kb/sec. (Just making sure, I use 400.) Set the RR cuffs to lock attachments while in a certain pose. Log off and wait overnight. Then log on. It looks like objects attach until the device doing the restricting does, then if something else tries to attach it either can't or you can see it pop right back off. Try it with OC set to no addattach as well just to make things worse. Firestorm handles this no problem. Everything that was attached reattaches. In RLV I find about 1 to 10 items fail to attach. Relog and it tries again. Sometimes it's a little better. The key though this only happens if you wait overnight or switch viewers.

Comments (7)

  1. SageR reporter

    Just reading this over... think I can clarify.... you don't have to do all those things to reproduce it. All that's just to make sure it happens. Minimally lock all attachments log out and wait overnight and log back in. Sometimes things start to attach and pop back off. Another way that will probably reproduce it is to have the attachments locked in one viewer and then login with RLV.

  2. SageR reporter

    NEW VERSION: I've had two successful logins with a clean install of the new version. I feel like I should mark this resolved. I feel like it will take another week to know for sure. I'll use the viewer exclusively until I get a couple of bad logins where things don't attach. Thanks for your support. I'll keep everyone posted.

  3. SageR reporter

    I see I can put this on "hold" so I'll do that. Nobody should spend time on this if it's not going to be a problem anymore.

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Sorry for being silent on this one. This kind of bug is very difficult (and long) to reproduce, and does not guarantee to be ever fixed, since it is quite random. I log on pretty much every day, often with restrictions on my own gear, and did a lot of work on this kind of issue, because in the past I had such restriction conflicts as well. Normally, when a piece of outfit is attached by the server and not by the client, it should bypass the restrictions. However I did not work on this at all in the past few months, so if you encountered the bug a week ago, there is no reason why it should not be there again.

    I did notice, though, that attachment issues occurred like a month ago, and no longer anymore, since LL fixed a few things on the attachment handling. Not sure it is related to Bento, but there was a slew of small fixes that made it to the viewer source code just before Bento was released (probably cleaning house before a big milestone such as this).

    I won't mark this as Resolved since I didn't do anything about it lately, but it is likely that this bug should not occur as often as it did. Famous last words... I hope not.

  5. Saglie Resident

    Tried it again today with the same result but found out afterward we are on rather than I'll try update and try again sometime and let you know. I realize this is weird stuff and hard to fix, so just keeping track seems a good idea. Love the viewer but it's a bit of a show stopper when you need help to get yourself re-composed when you login. . I'll just keep trying every so often and report the results. I've recently been lucky to get a faster internet connection. Hardware is still good (I7.4700k / GTX780M) web connection is as fast as it can be.

  6. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Funny, I have the exact same hardware as you. This bug is difficult to track because it is difficult for the viewer to know whether a piece of outfit (wearable or attachment) is worn because of a server order (when logging on) or a script or manual command. The former should always be accepted, RLV restrictions ignored, while the latter must be conditioned to RLV restrictions. I did write such a mechanism into the code but I'll keep poking at it next time I return to working on the viewer. I will soon because LL released several small updates lately and I need to merge them, so that will be a good time to test again.

  7. Saglie Resident

    Should let you know, since this report I got a new faster computer. Now it's an I7.7700 and GTX 1080. I'm not having any more login issues for a couple of weeks. Seems to be good now. My computer had been running hot. Who knows. Enjoying your latest viewer. Thanks for your contribution.

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