Viewer Notifications don't play well with force mouselook (@camdistmax:0=n)

Issue #132 new
Chorazin Allen created an issue

Set up a situation where a Notification will be raised, example - open inventory, locate a transfer no-copy item, choose another avatar, open the Share floater for that avatar so that you’re set up for giving away the item.

Force mouselook with @camdistmax:0=n using the RLV Console

Give the item using Alt held down for normal mouse navigation. The notification will pop up, however it’s not possible to do any navigation on the notifier or to dismiss it. The only option at this point is to hit Return and take the default option of the notification.

Originally raised against Kokua by Aida Beorn, also validated with RLV

I’m giving this one Critical because there doesn’t seem to be any where to go from here except through whatever the Notification’s default option is - there’s no cursor at this point, with or without Alt pressed

Comments (3)

  1. Chorazin Allen reporter

    I’ve made a fix for this in Kokua based on slight changes in llnotificationalerthandler.cpp - see Kokua-SL repo commit 46315/05c1ff188334

    It dodges the issue by making the notification non-modal if mouselook is being forced at the time

  2. Chorazin Allen reporter

    We’ve decided to pull request something by Nicky into Kokua ahead of this change, so the commit number will now be something higher than 46315, once it’s done it can be located by our issue number which is KKA-603

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