Clarify specification of @camdrawcolor when issued multiple times by the same object

Issue #133 new
Former user created an issue

The specification talks about what happens when the @camdrawcolor restriction is issued multiple times.

""" When this command issues, the color of the fog designed by @camdrawmin and @camdrawmax is set to <red>, <green>, <blue>. Those three values are between 0.0 and 1.0, the default being black ("0;0;0"). When several objects issue this command, the resulting color is a mix of all. """

The last sentence is a bit ambiguous when the @camdrawcolor command is issued again by the same object. The current implementation mixes the colors, which is surprising and not too useful behaviour. It makes replacing the color a two step process with an intermediate "rem" step using the old settings before the new color can be set.

It would be nice if there was a convenience command to do a remove/add new in one step, without the necessity to remember the old values.

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